The show Degrassi actually had a girl kiss her twin brother. The girl, Fiona was acting out because her brother was dating and she’d always had him to herself before Declan’s girlfriend, Holly J came into the picture. She ended up grabbing him and kissing him right in front of a crowd of people. Although, a season later, she came out as a lesbian and got a crush on Holly J, her kissing her twin brother is still something that occurred. It was such a dramatic reaction to her brother dating.

HI, Anon!

While I never watched Degrassi the series, I did watch Degrassi Takes Manhattan, so I’m somewhat familiar with Declan and Fiona, and have seen their kiss and the events surrounding it. 

While I understand there to be some great Declan/Fiona scenes in season 9, and scenes that set up their closeness, I like to take Degrassi Takes Manhattan on it own and just sort of forget everything else, especially what came after, lol. Because I do find them very shippable. But even just the fact that she kissed him is pretty wonderful! I also really love the line she says to Holly J: “Boyfriends are temporary; brothers are forever.” 

If anyone is interested, I wrote about Declan and Fiona in Degrassi Takes Manhattan here. (It’s nearly five years old so please forgive me if it’s a little rough. My style has evolved.) And then here is their tag


Thank you for the recommendation, Anon!!!!



So today I was scouring the twincest tag and stocking my queue for your enjoyment, and I came across one post where a ficcer was asked for a twincest fic in her fandom, and she explained why she wouldn’t write it. It was because she was traumatized by a show she liked when she was younger that had a drunken twin brother/sister kiss in one episode. She included a gif:


She didn’t name the show and only one of the twins’ names, but my google-fu found it. The series was “Degrassi” (apparently there were a couple of different interations, including “Degrassi: The Next Generation” which is where this scene happened), the twins are named Declan and Fiona, and the episode where this happens can be watched here.

I didn’t reblog the person’s post because she doesn’t like the pairing, but I couldn’t help but be amused that her post about how much she hated it introduced me to another pairing. Not that I wish to gloat, I know how it is when a fandom goes sour on you so I do sympathize. But I had to laugh at myself that my reaction to her post was to start googling to find out who these twins were.

A summary of the twins’ arc is here.

What is this degrassi deliciousness? Could you talk about them, if you feel like it? I love reading your analyses/thoughts/general ramblings about incestuous pairings. I thought I was the only one in the world who looked for incest everywhere (books, movies, TV, even reality TV) until I found this amazing blog! Much love to you, o wonderful purveyor of true sibling love. <3 <3 <3

Hi, Anon! I am so glad you’ve found us!!!!

So I’m not a regular viewer of Degrassi: The Next Generation, but after I heard about a kiss between the twins Declan and Fiona, I watched the “Degrassi Takes Manhattan”, which is the special episode in which it happens. I wrote all about it here

Declan and Fiona were introduced in season 9, and Degrassi Takes Manhattan aired after season 9. They were in season 10 a little bit but it wasn’t too long before both of them were no longer on the show. I’m fairly certain there were no more incestuous interactions. In fact I’m pretty sure, as far as our interests go, that it ended not well at all. 

I haven’t seen seasons 9 or 10 so I don’t know too much what happened. Degrassi Takes Manhattan stands on its own well enough for Declan and Fiona. And I like to take it on its own.