In Paddy’s Pub: The Worst Bar in America, the way Dennis is looking at Dee in the end when they’re singing slays me. The whole episode Dennis and Dee are so in sync.

I love it when Dee and Dennis are in sync. When they’re not almost murdering people or becoming drug addicts they’re almost competent together, which is more than can be said of any other duo in the gang. That’s probably why they can’t be together too much, or else it would be a different show. 

I need to rewatch and pay more attention, especially when they’re singing at the end. Great observation!

In Charlie’s mom gets cancer, I always found it funny that when the psychic said “fa” Dee didn’t say father or Frank who is rich and just loaned her money but when he says “da” she automatically assumes Dennis even though that doesn’t even sound like Dennis. :)

I never noticed that! Great observation, Anon! Not very surprising, is it? Of course Dee has Dennis on the brain. Perhaps she’s hoping the psychic has something to tell her about Dennis, eh?


headcanon where dennis could drive before dee and she would ask him to take her to the mall to shop for clothes and even tho he put up a fight and she would always tell him he could look in the guys section he didnt have to follow her around like a overgrown duckling he still stuck in the woman’s section with her and made suggestions and picked out things and made sure she showed him when she tried them on cause it was the closet he could get to going into that fitting room himself


Kaitlin Olson talks season 9 character groupings, Dee/Dennis (x). 


Hypothetical question time. The Boss-of-All-Television comes to you, “Astrid, ratings of the television are right down because of, let’s say, obsessive selfie taking. We are desperate and will try anything. People on the internet seem to like this incest thing you do, pick us three pairings from any show and we’ll have them kiss and hold hands and stuff.” Which three ships go canon and why?

The Boss-of-All-Television – I love it! If such a thing existed I would have been a much more ambitious person because that’s a job to strive for if ever there was one.

Even when limiting myself to TV shows that are currently airing new episodes this is still impossible.

Max and Phoebe (The Thundermans)
Klaus and Rebekah (The Vampire Diaries/The Originals)
Dennis and Dee (It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia)

These would be my recommendations for the Boss-Of-All-Television.  It would be easy on the writers: all of these relationships are essentially canon already.

I am totally obsessed with Max and Phoebe, so of course it would be the list, but there is so much potential for a quality romantic arc here. The show already revolves around them (and is at its best when it revolves around their relationship as well), and they are so will-they-or-won’t-they that I want to die. Half the people who have only casually seen the show have already assumed that they’re love interests so why not just punch it?

Klaus and Rebekah aren’t will-they-or-won’t-they, they’re more they-already-did-and-want-to-again. 90% of Klaus’ problems are sexual frustration over Rebekah. This is the sort of relationship that would absolutely be canon on a premium cable channel, so let’s give the CW the freedom to unleash the incest that’s just waiting to have happened already. (I joke, because the way Klaus/Rebekah has been written, I think it makes more sense for them not to have consummated their underlying incestuous feelings, but everything I said actually still applies.)

Dennis and Dee are teetering on the edge of canon and just need a gentle shove. A messy insane dysfunctional incestuous relationship between the two of them is the one thing IASIP is lacking. It would be, for lack of a better way to phrase it, the best thing ever. Making Dennis and Dee not-so-secretly in love with each other (in the twisted way that members of the Reynolds family love) would make so much sense out of their relationship, it would be beautiful. The storyteller in me longs for it just as much as the shipper. But that could be said of all these ships.

Thank you, Anon. It gives me so much joy to imagine my ships becoming canon. And I’d also like to thank the Boss-Of-All-Television for thinking of me.


dee reynolds is like the best fuckin female character in comedy ok dee reynolds is gross and awkward and has distorted views of the world dee reynolds uses terrible language and has some kind of weird psuedo-incestuous psychic connection with her twin brother that makes her almost as awful as he is dee reynolds is ambitious but has her dreams crushed on a daily basis so that you can’t help but feel awful for her dee reynolds’ emotions are presented as valid even if the ways she attempts to deal with them are terrible dee reynolds is never sexualized even though she has a ton of sex with a ton of guys dee reynolds manages to subvert the “one of the guys” trope because she’s just as feminine as she is masculine and she has no interest in seeing herself as a guy she just wants to be accepted by her only friends and family dee reynolds has an iconic dry heave literally what other female character can claim something like that dee reynolds is a fucking wonderful perfect character and i actually teared up writing a post about her dee reynolds is important

*whispers* dennis and dee have no concept of personal space when it comes to each other because they only trust each other but have never learned how to express their feelings verbally, pass it on.

This might be reading too much into it, but I’ve always felt that was the reason too, Anon. There’s a certain intimacy between all the members of the gang, but I think between Dennis and Dee there’s a particular kind of trust and intimacy and also just this sense of wanting to turn to each other for support or agreement. Obviously that’s not the case in every scene, but I think when we see them so close there’s no daylight between them, that’s why. (In addition, of course, to the fact that they just like to be all flush with each other.)


Why don’t you stand a little closer to him, eh Dee?

Oh right. You CAN’T.

Hey! I love your blog. I had a quick It’s Always Sunny question- even with episodes like Who Got Dee Pregnant, you wouldn’t consider Dennis/Dee canon? There seemed to be definitely incestuous vibes intended, if only for a little bit.


With Dennis and Dee, it’s a very fine line, and my canon vs. non-canon distinction has always been a little arbitrary. It actually makes me really happy whenever someone disagrees with me about how to categorize their relationship, because I would love to think of D/D as canonically incestuous. 

My system for deciding whether to label a ship as canon or non-canon is based entirely on what I think the creators intended to show the characters’ feelings are. (The exception to that being if the characters canonically commit incest, even if it’s not based on a canonical sexual attraction to each other. I still call that canon.) 

Which means that even if something that comes off as really incestuous happens, if I don’t believe they are definitely trying to show that the characters actually have incestuous feelings for each other (or at least one of them does), then I don’t count it. So this would be something like Dennis and Dee playing love interests in The Nightman Cometh. I can see the writers and the actors going “haha this is so incestuous”, but there’s no actual concrete indication there that D/D feel anything for each other. The same thing, sort of, with the gang investigating the possibility that Dennis might have been the one to get Dee pregnant. “Dennis being so drunk that he might have even had sex with sister, haha so funny.” Because I do definitely think the writers (and of course Kaitlin) realize that some of this comes off as very incestuous, but I think they play it for laughs in such a way that the actual feelings of Dennis and Dee don’t come into it? It’s hard for me to explain the distinction I’m trying to make. It’s like they’re acting incestuous but it’s not actually based on incestuous feelings, it’s just a funny thing that’s happening. (That’s my view of the writers’ intentions, not how I view the ship itself.)

The Gang Broke Dee is a little ambiguous, as Dennis’ pouring his heart out to Dee as she’s about to leave on the plane could be interpreted as a romantic confession. But it is still up to interpretation, in my eyes, anyway. (Believe me, I wish I felt like it was written in stone romantic.)

I agree with you that Who Got Dee Pregnant? is the episode that poses the most trouble to categorizing their relationship. Many people have pointed out that it’s never stated in the episode that Dennis and Dee didn’t have sex, we only know that Dennis isn’t the father of Dee’s baby. But that’s just a headcanon, even though it’s a very convenient and easy one to have. The real issue (/gold nugget) here is that Dennis actually thinks it’s possible that he and Dee had sex. And that is almost enough for me to call it canon. Almost. 

But my “canon” classification is designed for the benefit for those followers of mine who are unfamiliar with It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia. And I feel like I have an obligation to not mislead them into thinking that there is more to Dennis/Dee than there really is. I just don’t want anyone to be disappointed, or, God forbid, start a 10+ season show only to find out that nothing ever actually happens between them. (Yet…??? PLEASE!) 

Honestly, Dennis and Dee belong in a third middle category, along with a select few other ships. But I had to make things easy on myself and only do 2 categories. There’s a difference between the “canonicity” of their relationship and that of the most non-canon of non-canon ships on here. But there’s also  a huge difference between them and the most canon of canon ships on here. And since those of my followers who are looking for canon are really hoping to find something super duper hardcore canon, I try to reserve my canon tag for situations that are a little concrete. 

I’m sorry this is so long! The thing is, I really do sort of agree with you which is why I had to explain why I classify it the way I do. And of course I just love talking about Dennis and Dee. There is so much subtext, that even if it wasn’t intentional, it all just adds up to something. 

Thanks for your question!

remember when dee and dennis canonically banged? good times.


Do I Remember When Dee and Dennis Canonically Banged Let Me Count the Ways

  • In the back office during the Halloween party with the vampire costume in Who Got Dee Pregnant
  • Living together in season 10, wearing McPoyle robes. Planning Bill’s death together, deciding to rule Paddy’s as King and Queen. They banging. 
  • After winning Chardee Macdennis. Smiling like that and walking off together?? I would post a cap but you already know exactly what im talking about
  • Getting off together in Frank’s Back in Business. Metaphorical sex but also probably at some point literal sex. I mean the couple’s massage alone…
  • Diaper Time. Drugs, dancing, diapers, bathroom stalls.

****shoutout to my wonderful golden trash twin sadjeffwinger for helping me with this shit!!! what a ship everybody what a ship!!

NO, but like….. after he’s done explaining she tells him “you’re torturing them and they end up hating you” and he’s just unflinchingly looking at her and insisting that it “makes them love him more than they ever thought was possible” and then after some banter she says “there is no way this girl’s gonna come back to you after what you put her through” to which he replies “i can get her back at any time i just choose not to” aND WHAT IF IT’S A METAPHORICAL CONVERSATION
