replied to your post
“Do you think the writers of the newest Avengers movie were trying to…”

Small note, the FitA comment has no confirmed source, so we need the DVD to see if it’s legit. The pussyhound part is direct from Joss tho

I don’t even think we can count on the DVD/Blu-ray as confirming anything necessarily. It might not even be a deleted scene, it might just be something that was in one of the versions of the script. 

replied to your post
“Do you think the writers of the newest Avengers movie were trying to…”

I personally think Wanda was looking at Vision with interest because she couldn’t see into Ultron’s head, but she could see into Visions (who is essence, Ultron made).

Wanda definitely had a reason to find Vision fascinating aside from any romantic interest, but in my opinion, the moment that I was referring to (when Pietro is changing his shirt and Wanda is looking out the window at Vision and Thor talking), was a pretty clear hint of future Wanda/Vision, the kind we never see with Pietro and Wanda. I noticed it even before I knew that Wanda/Vision was ever a thing in the comics. But that’s just my take. It definitely doesn’t make me happy. 

replied to your post
“Do you think the writers of the newest Avengers movie were trying to…”

Actually the twincest is canon in Earth-1610 universe (Ultimates), and it has been heavily implied in other verses for like 50 years. In an interview ATJ said he and EO read all the comics and he liked the Ultimates verse best. :o)

I’d no idea that Aaron Taylor-Johnson had said that! That’s really great. 

I saw an article about modern day Donny and Marie Julianne Hough and her brother Derek performing on their tour together, she was dressed half naked doing alot of sexy provocative dances with him. Their relationship is interesting with similar backgrounds to the Smith twins Mormons from Utah one guy and multiple sisters being so close and really good looking with 2 of them becoming dance partners at a young age, they look like boyfriend and girlfriend always wondered if they ever fooled around.

To follow up on Derek and Julianne Hough I just watched a Youtube video of them on Lip Sync Battle where she lip sync’s the song “I Just Had Sex” right in front of him gyrating her body thrusting her hips and motioning to her crotch with her hand, the song has alot of sexually explicit lyrics and he acted like he was repulsed by it but he was clearly reacting in a joking way rather than actual disgust.

I forgot to mention after Julianne’s “I Just Had Sex” performance Derek said in a tongue in cheek way “I’m traumatized right now” and she sort of rolled her eyes and said “Don’t act like you’ve never seen that before.”, she tried to cover it up afterwards and said “I mean not from me” but everyone sort of had an “Aha” moment.

Derek and Julianne are SUPER cute. I don’t know too much about them because I haven’t seen the stuff they’ve been on (like DWTS) but from what I’ve seen they’re pretty amazing to watch together. 

This is not the first I’ve heard of that lip sync battle but those details are fantastic. I can’t believe she said that. I mean, I can see how it would have seemed innocent when she was thinking it but oh man. I need to look that up some time. 

I also can’t believe she did that song in their battle!

do you know the show peaky blinders? its about a gangster family and the lead and his sister are quite shippable. he’s very protective of her but she hates him because he can be controlling.

I’m so glad to hear you say that, Anon, because someone else did recommend Peaky Blinders here (I had never heard of it) and to know that you also think it’s shippable is very encouraging and helpful. I will definitely be watching that show at some point, it’s on my list and in my life plan. 

Thank you!!!

I recommend Dirty Sexy Money too as all the siblings are pretty shippable. It’s just that they’re all so corrupt and self serving which makes for great characters who are willing to exist in the grey areas. Also (not technically incest) but the main character grew up with the family and is in love with the oldest daughter who he was practically raised with which is really sweet :)


Oh wonderful!!!!  I’m glad to have your corroboration on the recommendation. I think I’m really going to like this show. Thank you!!!!

Any thoughts on Chris Halliwell in Charmed? He time travels so that he’s practically the same as as his parents and aunts and before they know he’s related to them I remember some shippy moments.


I never watched Charmed. (I’m always leery of those WB/CW shows that lasted for 7+ seasons. They lose cast and gain cast and get crazy and you can only stretch a good ship out for so long. That’s sort of why I’ve always wanted to watch it but never have.)

This Chris time traveling business sounds SUPER promising, incest ship-wise, especially with his bounty of aunts. I bet those scenes before they know who is who are very accidentally shippable. 

Thanks for the info, Anon! I’m sorry I don’t have thoughts.  

Do you think the writers of the newest Avengers movie were trying to imply that the twins were sleeping together? They seemed so touchy feely, and apparently there was a deleted scene where somebody makes a Flowers in the Attic joke about them.

Sadly, Anon, I would have to say that I don’t think Joss Whedon or the actors or anyone else involved were trying to imply that the twins were in a sexual relationship. 

I think all of the touching, and Tony Stark’s Flowers in the Attic comment, were meant to show that they’re very close – a little too close, probably – but that’s all. 

According to the same info dump that gave us the info about the Flowers in the Attic scene, Pietro is supposed to be hitting on women left and right, and Joss called him a “pussyhound” in an interview I read (direct quote). Of course, there’s ways to headcanon around that, but I don’t think that would have been included if Pietro and Wanda were in a romantic relationship with each other. 

Perhaps even more damning is the beginnings of Wanda/Vision that we see. That was clearly meant to be Wanda’s love story, with its roots starting in AOU. And Wanda looks at Vision in an interested way while Pietro is still alive. 

Of course, I do think that Joss has a certain fascination with incest and didn’t mind hinting that their closeness was almost inappropriate, and the actors have said something to that effect as well, that they let the canon incest between Pietro and Wanda in the Ultimates universe and just general Pietro/Wanda shippiness (well, we would call it shippiness) influence some of their acting choices. 

Yes, this all makes me very sad. But I do headcanon that they were in a sexual relationship before they appear in the MCU and all through it until Pietro (DIDN’T) die, and that seems to work perfectly well with what’s onscreen. 

replied to your post
replied to your post “I was going to mention the…”

you should. the two of them just get back from milan. but visual wise, lucky does match pyper more, maybe it’s the hair.

out of topic but have you make post about falling skies- ben and lexi? he is very protective of her. bit squicky too.


I quit Falling Skies not too long after Lexi was born. She was freaking her mother out with some of the stuff she could do but I don’t think there were any signs of accelerated growth. This seriously makes me want to watch the show again. I always had this inclination to ship Ben with someone but no one was right! I guess I just had to wait a little longer. I always feel a little squicked with those “grew up over night literally” characters, like Isabelle on The 4400 and Andy’s daughters on True Blood and who else am I forgetting? I know it’s weird but shipping them with someone in their family seems better. 

Since Ben’s a little strange too after wearing the alien spine-thing (I don’t remember what they were called, it’s been too long), it would make sense for him and Lexi to connect. I could see her being alienated (pun intended) because of how she’s different, and Ben not caring and being protective of her for that reason. Ahhhh, I’m seriously tempted to go back and watch!