Ten years from now, I want a commercial where the siblings in the Duracell Star Wars commercial have another Christmas, with the brother returning from a long trip abroad early in the morning. She greets him at the door, they make instant coffee, and he gives her a present, maybe some new Star Wars stuff, but she takes the bow off the gift and puts it on him. “You’re my present this year.” The epic crossover you never expected to see, but needed to happen!

———————————–I’M SCREAMING————————————


(It’s so sad that one of the best asks I have ever gotten requires so much context to be understood in its full glory.)

DURACELL MEETS FOLGERS: the story of two products, two siblings, one bow (and one bed)

(The Duracell Siblings fandom is growing! We already have an AU/future!fic.)

I was super tired last night and settled for Nicky, Ricky, Dicky, & Dawn being on my TV. The episode that was on is called “Unhappy Campers” and it centers around them going to camp and acting like they’re not related, which ultimately forces Dawn to pretend she’s dating Dicky because of her new friends. She ends up fake dating all of her brothers, and they make it known that they think it’s weird, but I just found it really interesting that they’d put this on a show about kids.

Don’t lie, Anon, we all know you NEVER miss an episode of Nicky, Ricky, Dicky and Dawn and you always watch at least one episode every night before bed. 🙂

She ends up fake dating all of her brothers


I haven’t seen an episode of Nicky, Ricky, Dicky, and Dawn yet, but I think I’ve figured out which one I’ll try.

That is really interesting. Reminds me of the episode of Hannah Montana where Miley/Hannah’s brother Jackson pretends to date her to be famous. Disney just goes there, I guess. (I wish Nick would go there a little more. *coughs about Thundercest*)

Thanks for this, I’m so amused right now. 

I’m going to hell, but I also ship the kids in the Duracell Christmas Star Wars commercial, the one where the boy runs out with a lightsaber shouting his sister’s name, and she’s being escorted by Stormtroopers and says “What took you so long?” and immediately starts fighting off the stormtroopers, her brother at her side (but of course it’s all imaginary play).


(This commercial has better special effects than most TV shows.) 

I hadn’t seen the commercial until you told me about it and I looked it up but now I’m trash for these siblings. Honestly, I downloaded it for future viewing.

SO CUTE. And they’re both Jedi!

“R2 gets it. “

Yeah, R2 knows they’re in love, that’s what he gets. He’s spent enough time with Luke to know what that looks like.

I guess we’re both going to hell. 

cute sibs!!

Hello! I know Reylo is all the rage right now (and I’m so sad that I’m not more into Star Wars to enjoy this huge new incest ship) but I just wanted to drop by and kind of gush to you, because I don’t know anyone else who might appreciate this. 

1) Not much of a ship (for me) but in One Punch Man (comedy anime about heroes and monsters), there’s Metal Bat and his lil sis, Zenko. We only hear about him talking about her all the time, and we don’t see her until recently in the manga. Metal Bat seems like your typical brawling punk (while being a top-tier hero) but he’s pissed about being called to a meeting… because he’s missing his sister’s piano concert! She calls later to tell him she’s won 3rd place and he gets teary eyed and tells her he’s very proud. She also calls him when she wants to go shopping and he wants to carry her shopping bags… but he’s busy with missions and he keeps apologizing to her (tbh they sound like a couple over the phone). She’s so spoiled by him, it’s the cutest. The defining CUTE factor… is that he stops himself from winning a fight because he doesn’t want to use violence in front of her. I had honestly hoped that she would be 2 years younger than him, but she’s very little maybe 10? I just adore this cute relationship, even if I can’t ship it. 

2) There’s a Kpop group called EXO and a member, Chanyeol has a BEAUTIFUL older sister, Yoora, who’s an announcer. They look so much alike it’s insane. I don’t really ship real-life people but they’re so sweet!!!

http://fy-exo.com/post/136445994552 This translated post just sums it all up. He adores his sister and they send the CUTEST messages between them: link. She’s also seems quite small while he’s over 6ft: link. For his birthday, Yoora wrote the sweetest post (she also calls him “my baby”): link I’m DEAD, people were saying he keeps a Polaroid pic of her in his wallet/passport thing? and he was showing it to his fellow member because of this: link

I feel so sorry for my followers who aren’t into Reylo or The Force Awakens, which is probably most of you. You poor souls. (I’m sorry! This is even worse than that time when my queue was 90% How I Live Now.)

Metal Bat and Zenko sound SOOOOOOOO cute. I love how supportive and protective he is. 

I wanted to find a pic but could only find fanart. Not a problem for me, though, because it’s lovely. 

Chanyeol and Yoora also seem totally adorable:

Awwwwww. All the details are just so cute!

Thanks for sharing!!!!!

There is this STUPID kids show I watch with my kid. It’s called Henry Hugglemonster. And I sit there and the little Henry monster is like IN LOVE with his older sister SUMMER. It’s adorable and ridiculous because I’m sitting here shipping a kids show xD lol. The most recent episode was the Hugglemas (christmas) one, and they spent the whole time together stuck in a house. and he gives her her present, which is a drawing of her because he’s her biggest fan. and they have all this moments and uugh

Haha. Yeah, I’ve been there before.! I do a lot of babysitting and I work with kids so I’ve seen lots of silly kids shows, and even the ones that are aimed at younger kids, like age 2-6, can have something that makes me go, “hmmm…I ship this?” And books too. 

Henry and Summer sound super cute!

Pokey monster creatures need love too.

I’m now realising Emily and Thackery, where probably my first incest ship.

This made me so happy!!!!! As I was writing that whole
thing about Hocus Pocus
I felt crazy for liking Thackery and Emily so much but
I DO. If they were your first incest ship then that’s amazing. I think I
pre-shipped them all along. Because I was always into their aesthetic and once
I got into incest shipping my mind snapped right to them.