THANK THE GODS YOU GUYS ARE POSTING REYLO. I need somebody to talk about my (sadly unlikely to be canon) theory that Kylo is secretly Luke and Leia’s child, with that being the real reason why he refuses to acknowledge Han as his dad. Which, if Rey is also Luke’s kid, would make them half-siblings as well as cousins. I feel so messed up for this AND YET, they did have Luke/Leia in canon??

The Reylo shippers are all “not incest until proved canon” and I’m all “incest baby until canon makes that 100% impossible” (which, Force be with us, will never happen – never underestimate the power of headcanoning abilities, they are formidable). 

I get such a rush imagining either Rey or Kylo as Leia’s baby with Luke. Rey makes sense because it would explain why she’s so strong with the Force and perhaps also why her origins are such a secret. But the real drama comes with Kylo because of the Kylo/Luke history – apprentice turning on his master, destroying everything, resetting the progress of the entire galaxy, etc., 

And that is a really intriguing theory about the Kylo/Han relationship. I could see Kylo looking up to Han his entire life and then having this crisis of identity once he learned the truth. The only major stumbling block I see is that if the name “Kylo” comes from Skywalker+Solo, why would Kylo give himself a name with “Solo” in it if he knew he wasn’t a Solo. You would think that most of his issues would be with Luke and not Han, unless he blamed Han for Leia not being faithful to him. 

Both ideas are so RICH.

I’m 100% certain the canon would never go there, but as long as I’ve got some leeway to fanwank it I’ll be happy. 

Luke/Leia was canon. May we never forget it.