It’s not perhaps to everyone’s taste, but I always found Orestes’ and Electra’s reunion in Electra to be quite sweet and “shippable,” especially placed in the context of Electra’s despair when she is informed of Orestes’ apparent death.

Set in the city of Argos a few years after the Trojan war, it recounts the tale of Electra and the vengeance that she and her brother Orestes take on their mother Clytemnestra and step father Aegisthus for the murder of their father, Agamemnon.

I haven’t read Electra! But it sounds quite shippable to me!

Another Greek mythology ship, just what I needed! (*adds to a list of thousands*)


THANK THE GODS YOU GUYS ARE POSTING REYLO. I need somebody to talk about my (sadly unlikely to be canon) theory that Kylo is secretly Luke and Leia’s child, with that being the real reason why he refuses to acknowledge Han as his dad. Which, if Rey is also Luke’s kid, would make them half-siblings as well as cousins. I feel so messed up for this AND YET, they did have Luke/Leia in canon??

The Reylo shippers are all “not incest until proved canon” and I’m all “incest baby until canon makes that 100% impossible” (which, Force be with us, will never happen – never underestimate the power of headcanoning abilities, they are formidable). 

I get such a rush imagining either Rey or Kylo as Leia’s baby with Luke. Rey makes sense because it would explain why she’s so strong with the Force and perhaps also why her origins are such a secret. But the real drama comes with Kylo because of the Kylo/Luke history – apprentice turning on his master, destroying everything, resetting the progress of the entire galaxy, etc., 

And that is a really intriguing theory about the Kylo/Han relationship. I could see Kylo looking up to Han his entire life and then having this crisis of identity once he learned the truth. The only major stumbling block I see is that if the name “Kylo” comes from Skywalker+Solo, why would Kylo give himself a name with “Solo” in it if he knew he wasn’t a Solo. You would think that most of his issues would be with Luke and not Han, unless he blamed Han for Leia not being faithful to him. 

Both ideas are so RICH.

I’m 100% certain the canon would never go there, but as long as I’ve got some leeway to fanwank it I’ll be happy. 

Luke/Leia was canon. May we never forget it. 


i’ve just watched the first episode of war and peace omg!! helene and anatole are everything!!!!! i feel so #blessed thanks bbc


It was even better than I had been hoping for. I would have liked to have seen them interacting more, just more everything with them (if you know what I mean!) but it was great. 

I actually really liked how they were lying in bed together talking about their potential beneficial marriages to other people. It’s like their relationship is so far above any concerns about who they’re married to.

Callum Turner and Tuppence Middleton have awesome chemistry. 

I can’t wait for more of them in episode 2. 

Heyo! Just droppin in to let you know that BBC Siblings is back (because wow BBC3 is bad at hyping its own shows.) I don’t know if there’s gonna be any mention of/content like the end of series 1 but here’s hoping :’)


Thank you! I use to keep track of my shows so I knew that Siblings was coming back. (So handy! I recommend it to everyone.) And about a month ago I did a google search because I couldn’t believe it hadn’t returned yet for the second season but I only had a little bit longer to wait. 

I enjoyed 2.01 but sadly not too much Dan/Hannah shippy stuff. At least we’ll always have the season 1 finale. 

One thing that I have always appreciated about their relationship, which 2.01 touched on a little bit, is that Dan doesn’t work simply because he doesn’t want to, and Hannah just lets him live with her and she might make a comment or two about him not contributing but she allows it 100%. 

There was also a passing comment about their dad – I hope we get to meet him!

I was super tired last night and settled for Nicky, Ricky, Dicky, & Dawn being on my TV. The episode that was on is called “Unhappy Campers” and it centers around them going to camp and acting like they’re not related, which ultimately forces Dawn to pretend she’s dating Dicky because of her new friends. She ends up fake dating all of her brothers, and they make it known that they think it’s weird, but I just found it really interesting that they’d put this on a show about kids.

Don’t lie, Anon, we all know you NEVER miss an episode of Nicky, Ricky, Dicky and Dawn and you always watch at least one episode every night before bed. 🙂

She ends up fake dating all of her brothers


I haven’t seen an episode of Nicky, Ricky, Dicky, and Dawn yet, but I think I’ve figured out which one I’ll try.

That is really interesting. Reminds me of the episode of Hannah Montana where Miley/Hannah’s brother Jackson pretends to date her to be famous. Disney just goes there, I guess. (I wish Nick would go there a little more. *coughs about Thundercest*)

Thanks for this, I’m so amused right now. 

Hi!! I just have to say, I love your blog – you are slowly dragging me further down the path of incest shipping, so thank you :) Also, have you watched the show Spartacus at all? In the second season there is a sort of canon ship Seppius and his sister Seppia. Their relationship is strongly hinted on the show and, according to the wiki, was confirmed by the show’s creator as incestuous. :D

Hi, Anon!

I’m so glad to hear that you’re in the downward spiral. Misery Shameless fun loves company!

I did watch the show Spartacus, so I am familiar with Seppius/Seppia. I love them so much, I just wish there had been more.

I didn’t know that, about the show’s creator confirming, though I never doubted that they were intended to come off as incestuous. Still very good to know.


I wrote these forever ago, but I did a big analysis of Seppius/Seppia while their episodes were airing:

part 1

part 2

part 3

part 4

Here’s my tag for them.

Do you know the song ‘The Enemy’ by Mumford & Sons? I don’t know why but that song remind me of Rey and Kylo Ren, also the song is play in the credits of Wuthering Heights (2012) and I compare them (Reylo) to Catherine and Heathcliff.

Give me hope in silence
It’s easier; It’s kinder
Tell me not of heartbreak
It plagues my soul, plagues my soul
We will meet back on this road
Nothing gaining, truth be told
But I am not the enemy
it isn’t me, the enemy

But I came and I was nothing
And time will give us nothing
So why did you choose to lean on
A man you knew was falling?

And bury me beside you
I have no hope
In solitude
And the world will follow
To the earth down below

I love this for Heathcliff/Catherine and Kylo Ren/Rey!

It fits Kylo so well. He has this own doomed sense that he is failing, and he’s plagued by conflict between light and dark. And they’re both on intersecting roads of becoming heroes and villains and light and dark and mastery of their abilities, meeting there. 

Plus it’s called “The Enemy”!

I definitely see the Catherine/Heathcliff parallel with the whole “i love you but you’re my enemy and you’re my enemy because i love you” thing they’ve got going, and how they’re haunted by each other – sensing each other in the Force almost in a phantom/ghost-like way.

I love it, Anon!

I like how most of Michael’s love interest look like Lindsay


Sally Sitwell and George Michael’s teacher (Heather Graham’s character) both have the same coloring and the same hair. Rita has different hair but the same coloring and looks the most like her, in my opinion.

The only exception really was Tracey and Maggie Lizer – but they make sense as exceptions. And Rebel too, if we’re going to count season 4. But Rebel had to have red hair because she was the daughter of Ron Howard, which was plot relevant.

You have no idea how much I’m into the headcanon that Michael’s crushes have all been a series of Lindsay look-alikes, but he actively seeks out women who aren’t anything like her and all of those relationships fail horribly. 

And all of his relationships fail horribly anyway because he’s pseudo-married to Lindsay is kept busy/fulfilled by that relationship in most ways.

I love this observation, Anon!

Have you heard of “Until Dawn”? It´s a horror game that starred a group of friends in which 3 of them are siblings, 2 twin girls and a brother. Lots of traumatic things happen and – even though – people hated the brother (Josh), I thought he had a really sweet relationship with his sisters and the fact he went crazy about what happened to them just proves it. There’s not a lot on the surface, but I think it’s a hell lot of things to analyze from them.

I haven’t played the game, but I have heard about it from an anon here. 

I think Josh’s relationship with his sisters is very interesting given what happened to him when he lost them. I think there’s a lot going on deep down. 

Thanks for sharing this, Anon! I’m glad to hear from someone else who saw something interesting there. 

The Oreimo anime is fine. I don’t feel the relationship comes out of nowhere, the siblings initially don’t get along at all, but as the show goes on, they develop a friendship and caring for each other, then a kind of codependency. It’s constantly hinted there might be more to it, but I think for most it was really more of a “there’s no way they would do that in what is essentially a mainstream anime release!” (as in not porn or direct to DVD/BD) that might have made it feel “out of nowhere”.

(part 2) It’s well worth watching if you can stomach the amount of otaku culture and norms, although a large theme of the series is also about accepting yourself and others as they are as well. The voice cast is spot on and the show looks terrific, keeping the same character designs as the light novel illustrations.

Thank you! It’s good to get another perspective. I didn’t know it was a mainstream anime – it has to be held to a different standard of expectation, I’m sure. 

It’s good that it’s a well-made anime. Very important.