any interest in Berenice, the jewish queen. She has ties to both rome, and appears in the bible. I feel like her life is ripe for a movie or series. She’s most famous for an affair with titus, a roman emperor, and younger than her. She also married her uncle. Lived with her brother as queen, after her uncle died. One source calls them twins(doubtful). She married to dispel incest allegations only to bail on the marriage and return to her previous lifestyle.


Josephus records three short-lived marriages in Berenice’s life, the first which took place sometime between 41 and 43, to Marcus Julius Alexander, brother of Tiberius Julius Alexander and son of Alexander the Alabarch of Alexandria.[4][5] On his early death in 44, she was married to her father’s brother, Herod of Chalcis,[3] with whom she had two sons, Berenicianus and Hyrcanus.[6] After her husband died in 48, she lived with her brother Agrippa for several years and then married Polemon II of Pontus, king of Cilicia, whom she subsequently deserted.[7] According to Josephus, Berenice requested this marriage to dispel rumors that she and her brother were carrying on an incestuous relationship, with Polemon being persuaded to this union mostly on account of her wealth.[7] However the marriage did not last and she soon returned to the court of her brother. Josephus was not the only ancient writer to suggest incestuous relations between Berenice and Agrippa. Juvenal, in his sixth satire, outright claims that they were lovers.[8] Whether this was based on truth remains unknown.[9] Berenice indeed spent much of her life at the court of Agrippa, and by all accounts shared almost equal power. Popular rumors may also have been fueled by the fact that Agrippa himself never married during his lifetime.[9]

This is juicy stuff, Anon!

I hadn’t heard of Berenice at all! I guess I don’t know anything about the Herodian Dynasty aside from the Herod who is in the Christmas story. I was more familiar with the name Berenice from the Ptolemy dynasty. It’s nice to know that no matter which ruling family a Berenice belongs to she still gets up to incestuous shenanigans.